
Green Alliance online event: building back better, ensuring a green and just recovery

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There is a great deal of rhetorical support for the concept of ‘building back better’, but how can we ensure that we really do get the right sort of recovery this time?

On 4th June 2020, we hosted an hour long event that interrogated how to ensure that the recovery from Covid-19 has the environment and social justice at its heart.

· Shaun Spiers, executive director, Green Alliance

· Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland and chair of the Elders
· Lord Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics

This was the latest in a series of online events we are hosting to discuss the impact of the current health crisis on the environment.

Did you know Green Alliance has a podcast? https://greenalliancepodcast.simpleca...
#GAevent #GreenRecovery #ClimateJustice #BuildingBackBetter
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