Watch Brian Sparks, the founder of the Easiest Swing In Golf, asking four of his coaches about their experience both before and since becoming an Easiest Swing coach. Listen to the reaction from (from left to right) Ian Appleyard of the Hammel GK in Denmark, Sean Herron of the host club, Golf Park Mallorca in Majorca, Spain, Julian Mellor of the Stratford Park Hotel and Golf Club in Stratford Upon Avon in England and Hein Kaal of the Keppelse GK in Holland. They all report an increase in their enjoyment of their work even to the extent that it is no longer work at all. They also talk about how much more effective they have become. For more about the Easiest Swing In Golf and the full coaching team visit our website here: More enjoyable golf is more available to you and easier than you have ever been led to believe.
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