Thanks to everyone, that had spendt some of you time to watch some of my many video :-) Thanks. The last many days, the number of views on my YouTube channel MONGO TV had raise a lot :-) Yesterday is was 40% more than normal, and today 43%. My normal number of views is around 100.000 every 28 days. But 100.000 views on YouTube every 28 days, iss not mutch on YouTube, and if you like to be a YouTuber have a living from record video for YouTube. Then you need like 1-2 million view every month or more. It cost a lot of money to go travel and pay for transport and a place to sleep, like a hotel or something else. Then you need more for food and pocketmoney. Even US$50 every day, would not be mutch, cost like US€30 to sleep in a tent on a camping ground. You cant buy a hotel room for only US$50 in Denmark, or in most part of EU and Europe. Maby in Eastern Europe on a very cheep hotel og Motel. I need to buy a super light small tentg for 2 person to have in a small backpack, and a very small light sleepingbag too, so i if i need, allways would be abel too, put a small tent up somewhere, and get some sleep few houres. Is 11.20 PM late evenig now, and i will go to bed. Have a good day or night too :-) Sweet dreams...zzzzz
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